"BLUE FIN"  Sport Fishing...
Thursday, September 26th, 2024
...another "SLOW" day
13 Perch keepers ...50 or so Throwbacks
...Fishing "Perch" ...out of:  Oconto "Park II"" ...on the Bay of GREEN BAY 

...Fishing with:  Bob Hobbs

  ...On the water by 6:30, ..."Cool", but nice. Winds out of South East 0-5 ...Calming ...than FLAT

 ...a "SLOW" day of Fishing...  Catching 40 - 50 Throwbacks, with 13 Keepers on Crawlers.  ...(a lot of Action, with "Few" Keepers)  Moved, but didn't help, catching only Throwbacks  ...hard fishing when there isn't a Ripple of a wave  (Flat)

Biggest Perch: 11 3/4"

Weather: SE Winds, (0 to 5) ,,,than, FLAT  ...Sunny (Hot)
(Temp 45 degrees at start) ...high of 80 ...(Fall Morning)
Day: 56
Fresh PERCH,  ...for Supper
...the way I cook Perch: 
   (egg-Flour-Kellogg's Cracker Crumbs) - (Fry Onion in Oil) - (Remove Onion and Fry Perch)