...Fishing "Perch" ...out of:   Oconto  "Park II" ...on the Bay of GREEN BAY 

...Fishing with:  Roger Miller

   ...On the water by 6:30, "Cool", but nice. Winds out of  Southeast 1-5. 

 ...a "Fun" day of Fishing...… Catching about 20 Walleyes, 8 Keepers... Numerous "Yellow" Perch  and "White" Perch, going through a lot of Crawlers ...with bite offs and fish....

Weather: SE Winds, (5 to 10)  ...just Cool ...Sunny
(Temp 50 degrees at start)   ...high of 65  ...(Fall Morning)
Marine Forecast:
"BLUE FIN"  Sport Fishing...
Friday, September  17th, 2021
​...time to "Hunt"  .....(Crossbow  09-18/2021)
​..."fishing" is coming to an End, ...for the Summer
​...time to "MOVE"
​...Pulled "BOAT" Home .....(09/17/2021)
​...Pulled "Trailer" Home .....(09/19/2021)
...in my backyard, in town (who needs to Hunt ???