Marine Forecast:
"BLUE FIN"  Sport Fishing...
Thursday, September 9th, 2021
...Fishing "Perch" ...out of:   Oconto  "Park II" ...on the Bay of GREEN BAY 

...Fishing with:  Roger Miller

   ...On the water by 6:30, "Cool", but nice. Winds out of  Northwest 5-10... swing to South 1-5

Started off, catching a dozen throwbacks and a few Gobies.  Moved Inside catching more throwbacks and Gobies...  mad 4-5 more moves and only caught 2 Keepers...  (Record LOW ...2 Keepers)

Biggest Perch 11"

Weather: NW Winds, (5 to 10)  ...swinging S (1 to 5)  ...Sunny
(Temp 55 degrees at start)   ...high of 65  ...(Summer Morning)
"Perch"  fishing today...
"SUCKS"  today...  (2 Keepers)