2019 Hunting Pictures
2019 Hunting Pictures
"BLUE FIN" Sport Fishing
Capt. Joseph Anderson
Rifle:  11/23/2019 --- 11/30/2019
Wisconsin Deer Season
...waiting and "Ready" to HUNT
   "DUKE's"  ...new Vest
Frosty Morning  ...Looking North
2019 Hunt... "Bucks"...
...Click on "Thumnail" to enlarge
Archery & Small Game:
...Sept. 14, 2019---Jan. 5, 2020
Muzzle:  12/01/2020 --- 12/09/2020
Frosty Morning  ...Looking South
12:05 am ...7 Point
10:30 am ...8 Point
10:30 am ...8 Point
10:30 am ...8 Point
12:05 am ...7 Point
12:05 am ...7 Point