2021 "Cooper's" Pictures
"BLUE FIN" Sport Fishing
Capt. Joseph Anderson
WISCONSIN ...Bird Season

...Farwell to "DUKE"
September  2021 - January 31st, 2021
October  2021 - December  2021
NORTH:   ...Zone "A"
SOUTH:    ...Zone "B"
...He Will be MISSED   (13 1/2 yrs)
"COOPER"  ...1 Yr.
He had a seizure, and never came out of it... he could not get up... and we had to have him put to sleep...  It is hard to let a pet go, that was a "Loyal" and as "Well Behaved", as Duke.  It was 13+ years of Joy...  He was very good to Cooper.         ...Cooper has some big shoes to fill, he'll never be another "Duke"
"Cooper" ...turns 2
"Cooper" ...one year